[Event "Nations Cup Online Prelim"] [Site "Chess.com INT"] [Date "2020.05.05"] [Round "1.3"] [White "Yu, Yangyi"] [Black "Amin, Bassem"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E92"] [WhiteElo "2709"] [BlackElo "2686"] [PlyCount "79"] [EventDate "2020.??.??"] {Chinese Super GM Yu Yangyi is a super talent, he became a GM when he was 14 years old.} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 {The King's Indian Defense} 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 {The Classical System} e5 7. Be3 {Our lesson for this chess blog 7. Be3} Ng4 8. Bg5 f6 9. Bh4 g5 10. Bg3 Nh6 11. dxe5 dxe5 {Yes, this line goes to a different path of variations, let us see the outcome on how white will take advantage of the over black's extended kingside pawns.} 12. O-O g4 13. Ne1 {This knight maneuver to e1 plans to go to c2 square.} Qxd1 14. Rxd1 { NOW, PLEASE ANALYSE HOW WHITE WILL EXECUTE PLANS TO SLOWLY PRESSURE BLACK.} c6 15. c5 Nf7 ({Better is} 15... Be6 16. f4 gxf3 17. Nxf3 Nd7 18. b4 a5 19. a3 Rfd8 20. Be1 Ng4 21. Bd2 Bf8 22. h3 Nh6) 16. Bc4 Na6 17. Na4 Rb8 18. f4 gxf3 19. Nxf3 Bg4 20. h3 Bxf3 21. Rxf3 {White controls the d file also there is a threat of Rd7 pressuring the knight at f7.} Nc7 22. Rd7 Nb5 23. Bxe5 {Danger when most of white's pieces are actively coordinated while black's position is in bad shape.} fxe5 24. Rfxf7 Rxf7 25. Rxf7 Kh8 {Have u noticed, the bishop at g7 has not moved yet since move 3...Bg7. KINDLY ASSESS THE POSITION NOW, HOW YOU WILL GO IF YOU PLAY WHITE, PLAN 4 MOVES AHEAD.} 26. Bxb5 {Yes, eliminating the knight to attain a much better endgame position for white (Knight versus the inactive Bishop at g7).} cxb5 27. Nc3 b4 28. Nd5 {Superb knight post at d5. } a5 29. Kh2 h6 30. h4 h5 31. b3 {Making sure to not allow black more activity, all areas are controlled by white.} Kh7 32. Kh3 {Here comes "Your Highness" exploring to restrict black's kingside mobility.} Rc8 33. Ne7 {The threat soon is Nf5.} Rc7 {FORCED. How ironic the position for black is...} 34. g4 hxg4+ 35. Kxg4 Rd7 36. h5 {Fantastic moves by Super GM Yangyi Yu.} Rd2 {Black should resign here, so desperate.} 37. Nf5 {Well done... Super GM Yangyi Yu, this game illustrates how to exchange pieces and make sure all vital squares are controlled. I hope you learned a lot from this game. Take care and be safe always. God Bless... your Author FM Jesse Noel Sales.} Rg2+ 38. Kf3 Rxa2 39. Rxg7+ Kh8 40. h6 1-0