[Event "MSO Ron Banwell mem"] [Site "London"] [Date "2000.08.27"] [Round "8.6"] [White "Simutowe, Amon"] [Black "Crouch, Colin"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E44"] [WhiteElo "2322"] [BlackElo "2448"] [Annotator "daaim"] [PlyCount "89"] [EventDate "2000.08.20"] {[%evp 0,89,19,34,29,4,4,4,20,23,28,23,19,-1,56,60,60,45,45,22,22,30,18,0,20, 18,34,34,38,22,41,61,48,48,51,48,50,46,62,70,77,78,75,78,88,46,52,35,121,91, 102,-3,114,102,130,-73,-73,-27,0,0,109,-71,10,4,5,27,10,10,0,0,0,0,0,10,25,-9, -12,-53,0,0,114,10,247,247,244,291,303,303,323,323,359,362] Notes by Daaim Shabazz.} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 b6 5. Nge2 {The most common move. } Ne4 6. Qc2 f5 7. a3 Bxc3+ 8. Nxc3 Bb7 9. Nxe4 Bxe4 10. Qc3 O-O 11. f3 Bb7 12. Be2 Qh4+ 13. g3 Qh5 14. O-O d6 15. b4 {[%csl Ga3,Ga7,Gb4,Gb6,Gc4,Gc7,Gd4,Gd6, Ge3,Ge6,Gf3,Gf5,Gg3,Gg7,Gh2,Gh7] [#] Lots of pawn play so far.} Nc6 16. Rf2 Ne7 17. Bb2 Rf7 18. Raf1 Re8 19. a4 Qg6 20. Ra1 h5 21. Rg2 h4 22. Kf2 Qh5 23. a5 b5 24. a6 Ba8 25. d5 exd5 26. cxb5 h3 27. Rgg1 f4 $1 {[%csl Ge7][%CAl Ge7f5]} 28. exf4 Nf5 29. Qd2 d4 {Black's position appears easier to play at this point. The pieces of optimally-placed.} 30. g4 Qh4+ {[#]} 31. Rg3 $1 Nxg3 32. hxg3 Qe7 33. Bxd4 {The position is unclear.} Qe6 34. Rh1 Qd5 {White has a unique pawn structure and the sishop pair, but the king is not completely safe. Meanwhile black, has all the heavy pieces poised for an assault. Now Crouch is threatening Rxe2+.} 35. Bd1 Qxb5 36. Rxh3 $16 {[#]} Qc4 37. f5 Bc6 38. f6 $2 { A bit too ambitious.} Bb5 {[%csl Gc4,Rf1][%CAl Gc4f1] Threatening mate on the move.} 39. Rh1 c5 40. Bc3 cxb4 $4 41. fxg7 $1 Rfe7 (41... bxc3 42. Rh8+ Kxg7 43. Qh6#) 42. Rh8+ Kf7 43. Bb3 $3 {[%csl Gd1][%CAl Gd1b3] [#] Beautiful shot!} Re2+ 44. Qxe2 Rxe2+ 45. Kg1 {[#] After this game, I am told that Crouch graciously annotated the game as he was certain he had just played a unique talent.} (45. Kg1 Re8 46. Bxc4+ $18) 1-0