[Event "Round 7: Chiletso Chipanga - Joseph Mwal"] [White "Chiletso Chipanga"] [Black "Joseph Mwale"] [Site "lichess.org"] [Round ""] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/friendsOfHans"] [Result "0-1"] [Date "2023.12.19"] [PlyCount "65"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Qe2 Bc5 5. O-O O-O 6. c3 d6 7. h3 a6 8. Bb3 Ba7 9. d3 Ne7 10. Nh4 Ng6 11. Nxg6 hxg6 12. Nd2 Nh5 13. Qf3 Nf4 14. Re1 Qf6 15. Kh2 g5 16. Nf1 g4 17. Qg3 Nh5 18. Qe3 {?? Ooops! It appears that Chiletso forgot about the bishop lurking at a7!} Bxe3 19. Bxe3 gxh3 20. Ng3 Nf4 21. Bxf4 exf4 22. Nh1 hxg2 23. Kxg2 Qg5+ 24. Kf1 f3 25. Ng3 Bh3+ 26. Kg1 g6 27. Re3 Bg2 28. Bd1 Qg4 29. Nf1 Bxf1+ 30. Kxf1 Qg2+ 31. Ke1 Qg1+ 32. Kd2 Qxf2+ 33. Be2 0-1