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1.e4 7 c6 6 2.d4 24 d5 6 3.e5 5 Bf5 5 4.g4 28 Be4 2:56 5.f3 6 Bg6 3 6.h4 16 h5! 4:30 7.e6 1:00 B12: Caro-Kann: Advance Variation. Qd6 6:56 8.exf7+ 5:10 Kxf7 5:03 8...Bxf7 9.g5 Qg3+ 10.Ke2 e6 9.g5 10:51
9.Qe2= 9...e5N 7:03 9...Qg3+ looks sharper. 10.Ke2 c5 11.Rh3 Qd6 Predecessor: 9...Qg3+ 10.Ke2 Nd7 11.Be3 Qd6 12.Bh3 Re8 13.f4 e6 14.Nf3 Ne7 15.Nbd2 Nf5 16.Bxf5 Bxf5 1-0 Shakhnazarov,O (2160)-Curto,W (1900) San Francisco TNM Spring op 2011 (4) 10.Ne2 6:20 Ne7 4:20 Strongly threatening ...Nf5. 10...Nd7!? 11.Bh3 10:14 11.dxe5!= remains equal. Qxe5 12.Nbc3 11...Bf5 10:08 12.Bxf5 16:46 Nxf5 7 13.dxe5 2:23 Qxe5 17 14.Bf4 4:56 Qe6 3:28 15.Qd2 9:58 Repels Bb4 g6 5:22 Black should play 15...Bc5 16.Nbc3 Na6 16.Nbc3 20 Bg7 12:40 17.0-0-0 15 d4 1:36
17...Nd7= 18.Ne4 41 18.Rhe1!± Hoping for Nxd4! dxc3 19.Nxc3 18...Qxa2= 35 19.Qb4 12 b6 6:06 20.Nxd4! 7:28       20.Nd6+? Nxd6 21.Qxd6 Na6 20...Na6 11:52 But not 20...Bxd4 21.Rxd4 c5 22.Nxc5± 21.Qb3+ 3:14 Don't go for 21.Qa3? Qxa3 22.bxa3 Nxd4-+ 21...Qxb3 6 22.Nxb3 5 Rad8 51 Prevents Rd7+ 23.c3 26 c5 2:53 24.Kc2 1:27 24.Nbd2 simplifies Nb8 25.Ng3 Nxg3 26.Bxg3 Nc6 27.Nc4 24...Nb8 2:47 24...Rxd1 simplifies 25.Rxd1 Ke6 26.Ra1 Nb8 25.Nbd2 1:37 Nc6 39 26.Nc4 2:11 Inhibits Be5. Rxd1 25 27.Rxd1 17 27.Kxd1 simplifies Rd8+ 28.Ke2 Bf8 29.Bc7 27...Rd8 18 And now ...Rxd1 would win. 28.Ned6+ 2:58 Nxd6 46 29.Nxd6+ 1:32 Ke6 2:03 ...Be5 is the strong threat. 30.Re1+ 1:53 Kd7! 5 31.Rd1 7:54 Ke6 18 White must now prevent ...Be5. 32.Re1+ 5 Kd7! 4 33.Nc4 2:18 Rf8 2:36 34.Re4 13 34.Rd1+!? Nd4+ 35.cxd4 Rxf4 36.dxc5+ Kc6 37.b3= 34...b5 1:16 35.Ne3 1:33 Nd8 1:45 36.Nd5 1:06 Ne6 59 aiming for ...Rf5. 37.b3 28 Rf5 3:45 38.c4 1:21 b4 46 39.Kd3 11
39...Bc3 1:06 40.Ke3 50 Weighted Error Value: White=0.16 (very precise) /Black=0.17 (very precise)
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Kosteniuk,A2519Abdumalik,Z2496½–½2023FIDE Womens Grand Prix-II 2022-236.4