[Event "London 1922"] [White "Rubinstein,Akiba"] [Black "Reti,Richard"] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Annotator "Frederick G Davies"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [Date "1922.07.31"] [PlyCount "78"] {[%evp 0,78,19,31,14,30,68,34,39,41,26,21,62,56,59,19,43,-11,27,-6,8,16,38,28,46,36,32,33,50,62,56,31,60,43,53,26,30,34,79,50,53,34,33,5,36,19,57,52,57,28,59,49,79,-2,75,60,64,54,47,39,65,67,113,100,69,79,70,100,72,92,68,62,23,0,0,0,0,0,17,0,0]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d6 3. c4 Nbd7 4. Nc3 e5 5. g3 g6 {Black plays the opening in an original way (Maroczy).} 6. Bg2 Bg7 7. O-O O-O 8. e4 { Now the position has developed into an open game. In the same Round, Bogoljubow vs. Atkins, 8.Qc2 was played (Maroczy).} b6 ({Another option was} 8... exd4 9. Nxd4 Nc5 )9. h3 ({White seems to intend Be3 followed by Qd2 and Bh6. The move in the text is to prevent ...Ng4 (Maroczy). [Seemingly, the pin could also be avoided by playing} 9. Qc2 {]} )Bb7 10. d5 {That is no doubt the best move, as in any other case White would have to lose a move in protecting the e-pawn (Maroczy).} (10. Qc2 $142 $14 )Nh5 $2 ({Intending to continue ...f5.} 10... Nc5 $142 11. Qc2 a5 )11. Ne1 (11. a3 $142 a5 12. Rb1 )Qe8 $2 {Intending to have the Knight protected after 12...f5 13.exf5 gxf5.} 12. Bf3 (12. b4 $1 a5 13. Nb5 Qb8 14. bxa5 $14 )Nhf6 13. Be3 Kh8 (13... a5 $142 )14. Nd3 (14. b4 $1 {[%emt 0:0:12] see note to move} )Nc5 15. Bg2 Nh5 16. Bf3 Nf6 17. b4 Nxd3 18. Qxd3 Ng8 $6 {In his inimitable and complicated style, Reti resolves to reorganise his pieces. Better was the redeployment of his light-squared Bishop starting with 18...Bc8.} 19. c5 f5 { Reti has now accomplished his plan i.e. to attack on the Kingside. However, Rubinstein...finds a good counter on the Queenside by advancing his pawns (Maroczy).} 20. c6 Bc8 21. Kh2 Qe7 22. Bg2 f4 23. Bd2 Qf6 24. Nb5 $6 {A move of doubtful value (Maroczy).} (24. Bf3 $142 h5 25. Kg2 Bh6 26. a4 a6 27. Rh1 $36 )Ba6 25. a4 Rf7 (25... h5 $140 $1 26. Ra3 Bh6 )26. a5 (26. Bf3 h5 27. Kg2 {[%emt 0:0:24] see note to move} )Raf8 ({If} 26... Bxb5 {then} 27. Qxb5 a6 28. axb6 $2 (28. Qd3 b5 {(blockading the Queenside)} 29. Ra3 h5 30. Bf3 {with approximate equality} )(28. Qe2 $1 b5 (28... f3 $2 29. Bxf3 Qxf3 30. Qxf3 Rxf3 31. axb6 cxb6 32. b5 $16 )29. Ra3 {with a slight edge for White} )axb5 29. Rxa8 cxb6 30. Rb8 $2 {(and White gets a Rook and two pawns for the Queen (Maroczy). Let's continue the line:} (30. Rc1 $142 Rc7 $36 )Bh6 $1 31. h4 Qe7 32. Rb7 Qf8 33. Rxf7 Qxf7 34. Bh3 Nf6 $17 )(26... Bh6 $1 $11 )27. axb6 Bxb5 28. Qxb5 axb6 29. Ra3 fxg3+ $5 (29... h5 $140 30. Qe2 Bh6 )30. fxg3 { [#]} Qxf1 $1 {An interesting combination but there is a flaw in it (Maroczy). [The engines think otherwise]} 31. Bxf1 Rxf1 $2 (31... Rf2+ $1 {this is what the players missed!} 32. Kg1 (32. Bg2 Rxd2 33. Kg1 Rd1+ 34. Kh2 Rf2 35. Rf3 Rb2 36. Qa6 b5 $1 {(typical engine chicanery)} 37. Qxb5 h5 38. Qc4 Bh6 39. b5 h4 40. b6 Rdd2 41. bxc7 Rxg2+ $11 )Rxd2 33. Be2 Nf6 34. Bf3 h5 35. Qa6 Nxe4 36. Bxe4 Rd1+ 37. Kg2 Rd2+ 38. Kh1 Rd1+ {with a draw} )32. Be3 $1 Bh6 33. g4 $2 ({The right line of play here is} 33. Bg1 Rd1 34. Ra2 Rdf1 {(Maroczy)} 35. Kg2 {when White is winning.} )Bxe3 34. Rxe3 g5 {Very well played. Black now threatens to bring his Knight to h4 (Maroczy).} 35. Qa6 {The beginning of a deep combination in reply to the opponent's mating combination (Maroczy).} Ne7 ({Black could still press home his advantage by playing} 35... Kg7 $142 {e.g.} 36. Re2 R1f4 37. Qb7 R8f7 $17 {with the Knight headed for h4.} )36. Re2 $2 ({ More resilient was} 36. Qb7 R8f2+ 37. Kg3 Rf7 38. h4 (38. Qxc7 $4 Nf5+ )gxh4+ 39. Kxh4 Ng6+ 40. Kg3 Kg7 41. Qc8 {with reasonable chances to hold the ending} )Ng6 37. Qb7 R1f7 $2 ({The wrong Rook. After} 37... R8f7 $1 38. Ra2 Nh4 $17 {White's chances of survival are slim.} )38. Ra2 $1 Kg7 (38... Nh4 39. Ra8 Rf2+ 40. Kg1 {is only a draw} )39. Ra7 $1 Rf2+ {with a draw by repetition. A very lively and interesting game (Maroczy)} (39... Nh4 40. Qxc7 $1 Rxc7 41. Rxc7+ {does not, as Maroczy claims, lead to a won ending for White. For instance:} Kg6 42. Rd7 Rf2+ 43. Kg1 Rd2 44. Rxd6+ Kf7 45. Kf1 Nf3 46. Rd7+ Ke8 47. h4 (47. Rc7 Nh2+ 48. Ke1 Nf3+ $11 )gxh4 48. Rxh7 Nh2+ 49. Ke1 Nf3+ 50. Kf1 {etc.} )1/2-1/2