[Event "2019 Rwabushenyi Open"] [White "Gilruth, Peter"] [Black "Nsubuga, Haruna"] [Site ""] [Round "8"] [Annotator "Peter Gilruth"] [Result "1-0"] [Date "2019.12.01"] [PlyCount "129"] {Going into the last round at Rwabushenyi, this was a chance to salvage a bit of pride. I had just lost to Bob Bibasa in the previous round in a game where I made several poor decisions.} 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. c4 c6 4. Nc3 g6 5. cxd5 {Opting for a more static pawn structure after Black's reply.} cxd5 {5....Nxd5 was the other option, but would lose a tempo compared to a normal Grunfeld-like position. Fritz 17 prefers retaking with the pawn.} 6. Bf4 a6 7. e3 Bg7 8. Bd3 0-0 9. 0-0 Bg4 10. h3 {I took the Bishop pair as a matter of principle.} Bxf3 11. Qxf3 Nc6 12. Rac1 e6 13. Na4 Nd7 (13... Nh5 {with the idea of ...e5 was stronger.} )14. Nc5 Nxc5 15. Rxc5 Qb6 16. Rfc1 {I decided to sacrifice my b pawn, knowing that I would have active play on the Q-side.} Rac8 (16... Qxb2 17. Rb1 Qxa2 18. Rxb7 Ra7 19. Rxa7 Nxa7 20. Rc7 {with compensation for the pawn as my pieces are more active. 16....Rfe8 preparing .. .e5 was logical.} )17. Qe2 Rfd8 18. a3 Bf8 19. R5c3 Bd6 20. Bxd6 {simplest.} Rxd6 21. h4 Rdd8 22. h5 Ne7 23. b4 a5 24. b5 Kg7 {better to exchange a pair of Rooks on c3.} 25. Qf3 {threatening 26.h6+} f6 26. hxg6 hxg6 27. Qg3 { White has a solid plus, but Black is not lost.} f5 {a difficult move to make, but Black has to meet the threat of exchange Rooks on c8 followed by Qxg6+.} 28. Qe5+ Kf7 29. Rc5 {continuing the squeeze play. The other option was 29.g4 to open the K-side, with threats to invade either on the h file or into c7.} Qa7 {the losing move.} 30. Rxc8 Rxc8 31. Rxc8 Nxc8 32. Qc7+ Ne7 33. b6 Qa8 34. Bb5 Qh8 {Desperation. Black was lost because the threat of Bd7 and Qd6 cannot be answered. The rest of the game sees Black trying to sneak a draw by perpetual check, but that won't happen.} 35. Qxb7 f4 36. Qc7 fxe3 37. fxe3 e5 38. b7 Qh4 39. Qxe5 Qe1+ 40. Bf1 Nc6 41. Qxd5+ Ke7 42. Qc5+ Kd7 43. d5 Nb8 44. Qc8+ Ke7 45. Qe6+ Kf8 46. d6 g5 47. Qf6+ Kg8 48. Qxg5+ Kf7 49. Qf4+ Ke6 50. Kh2 Qc3 51. Bc4+ Kd7 52. Bb5+ Ke6 53. Qc4+ Qxc4 54. Bxc4+ Kxd6 55. Be2 Kc7 56. Bf3 Nd7 57. g4 Ne5 58. Kg3 Nc4 59. g5 Nxe3 60. Kf4 Nc2 61. g6 Nd4 62. Bd5 Ne2+ 63. Ke5 Ng3 64. g7 Nh5 65. g8=Q {So, I ended up tying for 5th place, winning about USD 3, and picked up the Senior Prize (USD15) as well.} 1-0