[Event "USCF/EK/24EN02 (USA)"] [Site "ICCF"] [Date "2024.02.02"] [Round "?"] [White "Schroeer, Egbert"] [Black "Finnegan, John"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A10"] [WhiteElo "2137"] [BlackElo "1800"] [Annotator "Schroeer,Egbert"] [PlyCount "43"] [EventDate "2024.??.??"] {[%evp 9,43,28,34,28,27,19,38,22,36,33,58,44,46,41,78,72,82,67,119,95,135,110,158,139,149,139,206,132,238,206,212,182,365,361,513,495]} 1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 (2... c6 3. e4 d5 (3... e5) 4. cxd5 cxd5 5. e5 d4 6. exf6 dxc3 7. bxc3 gxf6 8. d4 Qc7 9. Bd2 Nc6 10. Bd3 e6 11. Nf3 $16) 3. cxd5 Nxd5 4. Nf3 g6 5. h4 {[%CAl Bh2h4,Bh4h5,Bh5h6][%mdl 32]} (5. Qa4+ Nc6 6. Nxd5 $5 Qxd5 7. e4) 5... Bg7 (5... Nf6 {[%eval 94,20][%csl Gh5] 5...Bg7 0.16} 6. d4 $1 Bg7 {[%CAl Oc7c5]} 7. e4 O-O {[%CAl Oc7c5]} 8. Be2 c5 9. d5 b5 {[%csl Re4][%CAl Gb5b4] [#]} 10. e5 $1) (5... Bg4 $5 6. Qa4+ {[%eval 67,18]} (6. Qb3 $16 {[%eval 106,23]} c6 7. Ne5) 6... Bd7 $14 7. Qb3 Nb6 8. d4 Bg7 9. h5 Nc6 {[%eval 101,20]} (9... Be6 $14 {[%eval 57,20] is more appropriate.} 10. Qc2 Nc6) 10. e3 {[%eval 56,19]} (10. d5 $1 $16 {[%eval 101,20]} Nd4 11. Nxd4 Bxd4 12. Bh6)) 6. h5 Nc6 7. g3 Bf5 (7... Bg4 8. h6) 8. h6 {White is slightly better. I believe h6 has good potential and might be better than Bg2} (8. Bg2 Ndb4 {[%eval 131,19]} (8... Ncb4 9. O-O Nxc3 10. bxc3 {[%CAl Oe2e4]} Bc2 $1 {[%CAl Rc2d1]} 11. Qe1 {[%CAl Oh5h6] Black must now prevent h6!} Ba4 12. h6 {[%eval 40,22]} (12. Rb1 $1 $16 {[%eval 109,23][%mdl 512]} Nc2 13. Qd1) 12... Bf6 $14 13. Rb1 Nc2 $1 14. Qd1 {[%CAl Of3e1] Strongly threatening Ne1!} Qd7 $1 {[%CAl Oc2e3] ...Ne3! would now be deadly.} 15. Rb3 $1 Na1 $1 {[%CAl Ra1b3]} 16. e4 $13) (8... O-O $14 {[%eval 38,19]})) 8... Bf6 9. Bg2 O-O (9... Ndb4 {[%eval 114,21] 9...Ncb4 0.28} 10. d3) 10. O-O $1 (10. Qb3 $5 {[%eval 17,22] 10.0-0 0.54} Be6 (10... Nb6)) (10. Ng5 $5 Nxc3 $1 (10... Bxg5 11. Nxd5) 11. dxc3 Qxd1+ 12. Kxd1 Rad8+ 13. Ke1) 10... Nxc3 $5 {Trading ? ? I found this move suspitios. Anyway, trade ? seems the best option now. Another option would be bxc3, but I don't like the isolated ? on a line.} (10... e5 11. Nxd5 Qxd5 12. d3 $14) 11. dxc3 Qc8 {[%eval 78,20][%CAl Gd1a4,Ga4f4,Gf1d1,Gc1f4] Saving his ? was probably not a good idea. ?a4 or ?b3? ?b3 forces ?e6} (11... Qxd1 $14 {[%eval 41,20]} 12. Rxd1 Rad8) 12. Qa4 $16 Bd7 13. Qf4 (13. Rd1 $2 {[%eval -78,22] 13.Qc4 0.84 [#]} Nd4 $1) 13... Bh8 $6 {[%eval 119,21] That was a bad move; Black's ? is tucked in. The ? in the corner still has the diagonal.} (13... Bf5 14. Rd1 e5 15. Qa4 (15. Qc4 Be6 {Just kicking the ? around?}) 15... Bd7 {[%CAl Oc6d4] Threatens to win with ...Nd4!} 16. Rd5 Nb8 17. Qc2 c6 18. Rd1 Bf5 19. e4 Bg4 20. Be3) (13... Bf5 $14 {[%eval 67,21]}) 14. Qh4 f6 $6 {[%eval 135,21] to quote Ben Finegold: never play f6} (14... Bg4 15. Bg5 a5 16. a4 f6 17. Be3 e5 18. Nd2) (14... a5 $142 {[%eval 95,20]}) 15. Be3 (15. Qc4+ {seems a natural move} Be6 16. Qc5 Qd7 {[%eval 191,20] Prevents Rd1.} (16... Rd8 $16 {[%eval 119,18]})) 15... Qe8 $6 {[%eval 158,20]} (15... e5 {[%CAl Gf3d2,Gd2b3,Gb3c5]} 16. Nd2 Nd8) ({Better is} 15... e5 {[%eval 110,20]}) 16. Qc4+ {He seems in trouble, sure: ?f7?, ?f7? or ?e6? With ?e6 he can go ?d4 and we will exchange ? at least?} Qf7 17. Qb5 {White has more active pieces.} Rab8 {[%eval 206,22]} (17... Bc8 18. Nd4 Nxd4 19. cxd4 {[%CAl Ob5a5] And now Qa5! would win.} (19. Bxd4 {[%eval 42,20] 19.cxd4 1.30}) 19... c6 20. Qa5 (20. Qc5)) (17... Rfb8 $2 18. Rfd1 Be6 {[%eval 227,23]} (18... Be8 $16 {[%eval 153,21]} 19. Qb3 a5) 19. Rd2 $18 a5 20. Qc5) (17... Bc8 $16 {[%eval 139,23]} 18. Rad1 a6) 18. Rfd1 {bad move! ?xa7 was the right move! Anoversight!} Be6 {[%eval 238,22] Black is weak on the dark squares} (18... Rfd8 {[%eval 194,23] 18...a6 1.29} 19. Rd2 (19. Rxd7 {[%eval 60,22] 19.Rd2 1.77} Rxd7 20. Bxa7 Nxa7 $2 {[%eval 358,23][%mdl 8192]} ({Black should try} 20... Rd5 $14 {[%eval 42,23]} 21. Bc5 b6 22. Qxc6 Rxc5) 21. Qxd7) 19... a6 20. Qa4 {[%eval 133,22]} (20. Qc5 $18 {[%eval 188,23]}) 20... Be8 $16 21. Rad1) (18... a6 $16 {[%eval 132,23]} 19. Qb3 Be6) 19. a4 (19. Nd4 Nxd4 20. Bxd4 a6) (19. Qc5 a6 20. Rac1 g5 21. b4 Qh5 {[%eval 376,21]} (21... g4 {[%eval 264,19] is a better defense.}) 22. c4 $18 Qxh6 23. b5 axb5 24. cxb5) 19... Bc4 20. Qc5 {the only move} Rfd8 {[%eval 365,24] Prevents Rd7} (20... e5 21. Nd2 Be6 22. b4) (20... e5 $142 {[%eval 182,22]} 21. a5 Nd8 (21... Bxe2 $2 {is the wrong capture.} 22. Nxe5 fxe5 23. Bd5 $18 {[%mdl 64] Pin})) 21. Nd4 $18 (21. Rxd8+ Rxd8 22. Nd4 Nxd4 23. cxd4 c6) 21... Nxd4 {[%eval 513,22]} (21... Bd5 22. Nxc6 bxc6 23. Qxa7) (21... Bd5 $142 {[%eval 361,23]} 22. Nxc6 bxc6 23. Qxa7 f5) 22. Rxd4 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.12 (very precise) /Black=0.48. Mistake: --- Black=8 Inaccurate: White=1 --- OK: White=7 Black=4} 1-0