[Event "Chess.com Rapid Wk5 Swiss"] [Site "Chess.com INT"] [Date "2022.03.12"] [Round "2"] [White "Erigaisi, Arjun Kumar"] [Black "Nepomniachtchi, Ian"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2660"] [BlackElo "2773"] [PlyCount "101"] [EventDate "2022.??.??"] [EventType "rapid"] 1. Nf3 {This is the first move when you use the King's Indian Attack. It is a reversed King's Indian Defense as black. This opening is one of the many strategic openings of the late US World Champion Robert "Bobby" Fischer.} Nf6 { Whatever response of black it does not affect white for the meantime because it follows the opening routine in 4 to 5 moves.} 2. g3 {Here we go...smooth as it is... just developing.} d5 3. Bg2 g6 4. O-O Bg7 5. d4 {Now, it depends on white if he wants to play 5. d4, 5. d3 or 5. c4. White has many options with this type of set-up.} O-O 6. Bf4 {White wants to control the e5 square and check on the c7 pawn but mainly giving way for the Rook at a1 to move to c1 after developing the knight at b1.} c6 7. c3 {Obviously, white plays solidly here.} Bf5 {It is the same position now they are playing but white is one move up.} 8. Nbd2 Nbd7 9. Nh4 Be6 10. Re1 {Yes, white wants to push e2 to e4.} a5 ({ If} 10... Nh5 11. Be3 Rc8 12. Ndf3 Ndf6 13. Qc2) 11. a4 {White is not allowing black to create small weakness or build a strong post at the queenside via ... a4, ...b5..., ...Nb6 then, ...Nc4.} Qb6 12. Qb3 Qxb3 13. Nxb3 {Interesting endgame. GM Arjun Erigaisi really has a 2700 FIDE level. You can sense a sign of respect from the Super GM Ian, Nepomniachtchi.} Ne4 14. Nd2 Nxd2 15. Bxd2 Nb6 16. b3 {I hope you are learning when to attack and when to defend. Also, the ability to contain self from having anxiety from changing positions. You must always control your emotions.} Rac8 17. Nf3 {Of course, the knight at h5 has no use, black wants to push c6 to c5. LET US STOP HERE: PLEASE USE YOUR IMAGINATION, GM ERIGAISI IS PLANNING SOMETHING AFTER BLACK'S c5, WHAT IS IT?} Bf5 18. Rec1 {He is setting it up now, he thinks maybe 7 or 10 moves ahead.} Be4 19. Be3 Nd7 20. Bh3 Bf5 ({If} 20... e6 21. Nd2 h5 22. Nxe4 dxe4 23. Rab1) 21. g4 {Fantastic move, I did not realize a move like this, sometimes you must play against the book.} Be6 22. Ng5 {This is it, white is slowly gaining initiative tactically.} c5 23. Nxe6 fxe6 24. g5 {Very nice....black is forced to move 24...Kf7} Kf7 25. Rab1 Rc6 26. Bd2 {Playing this move means leaving the pawn at d4 vulnerable. Yes, black also wants to double rooks at c file but GM Erigaisi's level of imagination is superb. From this position, he is thinking of a possible outside pass pawn to be created in exchange for giving up the d4 pawn (center pawn).} cxd4 27. cxd4 Bxd4 28. Rxc6 bxc6 29. Bxa5 { This is what I was explaining before, the very deep imagination of a young, determined GM Arjun Erigaisi from India. A future World Chess Champion someday. } Rb8 30. e3 Ba7 31. b4 Nb6 ({If} 31... Nc5 32. Rc1) 32. Bxb6 Rxb6 {I am smelling a future opposite coloured bishop endgame but advantageous for white due to a pawn as outside pass pawn.} 33. a5 Rb5 34. Bf1 Rb8 35. Kg2 e5 36. b5 cxb5 37. Rxb5 Rxb5 38. Bxb5 {Yes here it is: PLEASE WE STOP HERE: TAKE TIME BY ANALYZING IN 5 MINUTES. ASSESS THE POSITION WRITE YOUR ANALYSIS IN YOUR NOTES, CHECK ALL POSSIBILITIES.} e4 {WHAT ARE THE REASONS WHY WHITE IS UP HERE? NAME TWO IDEAS?} 39. a6 e6 40. h4 Ke7 41. Kg3 {Black king cannot go further to approach the a6 pawn. The h7 and g6 pawn will become the target.} Kf7 42. Kg4 Bb6 {GM Nepomniachtchi cannot do much.} ({If} 42... d4 43. Kf4 d3 44. Kxe4 d2 45. Ba4) 43. h5 {Breaking the pawn chain.} gxh5+ 44. Kxh5 d4 45. exd4 Bxd4 46. Kh6 Kg8 47. Bc6 {GOOD MOVE!!!} Bg7+ ({If} 47... Bxf2 48. Bxe4 Be3 49. Bxh7+) 48. Kh5 Bd4 49. Bxe4 Kg7 ({If} 49... Bxf2 50. Kh6) 50. f4 {Now, white is winning.... Super intelligent game by Indian GM Arjun Erigaisi. He got my respect...wonderful game.} Ba7 51. Bd3 {Black Resigns: Simply because white will move bishop to c4 and will take the e6 pawn. If black moves to Kf7 then white will move Kh6. AMAZING GAME!!!! Thank you GM Arjun Erigaisi for showing us your MENTAL GRIT to win games against Super GM like GM Nepomniatchi. I hope you learned something about this game...enjoy...} 1-0