[Event "Chess.com Rapid Wk1 Swiss"] [Site "Chess.com INT"] [Date "2022.02.12"] [Round "5"] [White "Erigaisi, Arjun Kumar"] [Black "So, Wesley"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2633"] [BlackElo "2772"] [PlyCount "81"] [EventDate "2022.??.??"] [EventType "rapid"] 1. Nf3 {This type of opening has many transpositions. It can convert to English opening, d4 opening and possible e4 opening if black plays 1...c5 then white plays 2. e4.} d5 {Yes, black can respond anyway it wants, white just develops in 4 to 5 moves the KIA (King's Indian Attack) setup then plans to counter strategize black's opening.} 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. O-O e5 5. d3 { Now, white decided to play the main moves of the KIA, it is like reversed King's Indian Defense.} Ne7 6. e4 O-O 7. exd5 {GM Wesley So allowed the game to open, it is a sign that he will play tactically in this game. GM Erigaisi himself is dangerous in complicated positions.} Nxd5 8. Re1 Nc6 9. Nc3 { White can play Nbd2 but white is choosing to counter black's intention to control the center.} Nde7 ({If} 9... Nxc3 10. bxc3 Rb8 11. Bd2 Bg4 12. Qb1 Qc8 13. Ng5) 10. Be3 Re8 11. Qd2 Nf5 12. Bc5 Rb8 13. Ne4 {GM Erigaisi must push c3 to not allow d4 square as landing piece for black.} b6 14. Ba3 Bb7 15. c3 { Yes, steadily preventing any untoward plans by black.} Qd7 16. Rad1 Rbd8 17. Qc2 {Nothing serious for now, but underestimating GM Erigaisi would be a huge mistake for GM Wesley So because GM Erigaisi is a 2700 GM Rated slayer and it's proven.} h5 18. h4 {Any inch of attack, white blocks it and prevents it from accumulating further.} Nh6 19. b4 {Woah!! white can not wait...must do something also to scare GM So. Intimidation sometimes in chess works, sometimes....} Ng4 20. Bc1 {The squares at black's kingside seems white is going to penetrate.} a5 21. b5 Ne7 22. a4 {Never GM Erigaisi to be intimated... never at all...} Nf5 23. Bg5 f6 {This is what white wants to force the issue like pawn moves in future it will become a weakness.} 24. Bc1 Qf7 {This is a mistake...} 25. Nfg5 {Now, the first blow...GM Wesley So did not see this move. ..} Qd7 26. Nxf6+ Bxf6 27. Bxb7 Rf8 {Pretty neat!!! Now, GM Wesley So has caught the attention of GM Erigaisi that he can't be underestimated....} 28. Bc6 Qe7 29. d4 {White is dictating the position as it shows, let's find out how black counter attacks.} Kh8 30. dxe5 Rxd1 31. Qxd1 Bxe5 32. Qd5 {Black is in an unstable position here, how can GM Wesley So fix this mess?} Nxh4 { Wow, I did not see this, is it gonna work? Let's find out...} 33. f4 {The winning move....} Nf5 34. Rxe5 Nxe5 35. Qxe5+ Qxe5 36. fxe5 Nxg3 {WE STOP HERE: ANALYZE HOW WHITE WINS HERE... TAKE YOUR TIME, EVALUATE THE POSITION...} 37. Kg2 Nf5 38. e6 {Oh Yes....the pawn initiates the pressure then comes other pieces to back it up...} Kg7 39. e7 Nxe7 40. Ne6+ Kf7 41. Nxf8 {Black Resigns:   WOW!!! Unbelievable, this is such an amazing game... GM Erigaisi really is on a different level. Watch out  World Champ Magnus Carlsen, GM Erigaisi is future World Championship Challenger.... Thanks to all of you guys, subscribers and supporters... Keep safe always....GOD Bless you all...} 1-0