[Event "Open A"] [Site "Zagreb"] [Date "2011.04.16"] [Round "7"] [White "Grzegorz Gajewski"] [Black "Marin Bosiocic"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E97"] [WhiteElo "2567"] [BlackElo "2561"] [PlyCount "73"] [EventDate "2011.04.11"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 {I think you know already that this is the "King's Indian Defense".} 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 {The classical variation: Opting for quick castle...} e5 7. O-O Nc6 8. d5 Ne7 9. b4 {Best way to counter versus the King's Indian Defense is the "Bayonet Attack".} Ne8 {To recall the game of GM Ding Liren vs GM Hikaru Nakamura using this line 9...Ne8: google this: https://memorychisel.com/the-kings-indian-chronicles-3/} 10. a4 {Same system used by GM Ding Liren to undermine black's queenside.} f5 11. a5 { White is just ignoring the threat at e4, continue focusing on queenside expansion.} Nf6 12. Nd2 {Of course, time to protect the e4 pawn.} f4 {Black wants to expand its pawns at kingside but white must stop it.} 13. c5 g5 { Here it is, time to halt the pawn rolling...} 14. h3 {Yes...thats the way...} Rf7 15. Nc4 {Same tactics, to cut off connection between c7 and d6...as stated in previous Chess Blogs.} Bf8 {Protecting d6 and to place rook at g7 square to support pawn push...} 16. b5 {Here it comes, the b6 plan to unlink black pawns. ..} Rg7 17. g4 {Yes, stopping the pawn roll...lets check what happens after... now if...} Ng6 ({If} 17... fxg3 18. fxg3 Bxh3 19. Rxf6) 18. c6 {This is different way... why not b6? yes..the rook at a1 hangs...} bxc6 19. bxc6 { Since the c7 and d6 still connected...how will white continue here...} Rb8 20. f3 {Yes, white must overprotect the g4 pawn due to dangerous intention of black to sacrifice the bishop at c8 on g4 pawn. That is to create weakness and threats at white's kingside.} h5 {Here it comes...white must defend accurately. .} 21. Kf2 {Yes, King must stay away from the center of attack.} Rh7 22. Rh1 { Not allowing control of file...} Nh4 23. Bd2 Qe7 24. Rb1 Rxb1 25. Qxb1 Nxf3 { Black can't control his patience...lets see if this will damage badly white's position.} 26. Bxf3 hxg4 27. hxg4 Bxg4 28. Rxh7 Qxh7 29. Qh1 {Timely rescue... opting for exchange of queen to lessen the pressure.} Qg6 30. Bxg4 Nxg4+ 31. Kg1 {At quick glance, black is winning here... but actually not much firepower to blast white's kingside...} Nf6 ({If} 31... Nh6 32. Nb5) 32. Be1 g4 33. Bh4 { Strong move!!} f3 34. Bxf6 Qxf6 35. Ne3 Qg5 ({If} 35... Qf4 36. Ncd1 g3 37. Qh3 Bg7 38. Qf5 Bh6 39. Qxf4 Bxf4 40. Nc4 a6 41. Nxd6) 36. Kf2 Be7 37. Qg1 { Black Resigned: Due to the g4 pawn is free to take. GM Grzegorz Gajewski showed us another way to stop black from blasting white's kingside. I hope you enjoyed the "The King's Indian Chronicles Series 1 to 4". Next topic will be... "The Anti-Sicilian Chronicles"... See yah....cheers ...from Coach FM Jesse.} 1-0