[Event "World Cup"] [Site "Tromso NOR"] [Date "2013.08.13"] [Round "1.3"] [White "Jorge Cori"] [Black "Teimour Radjabov"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E97"] [PlyCount "63"] [EventDate "2013.08.11"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 {The King's Indian Defense.} 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 {The Classical variation} e5 7. O-O Nc6 8. d5 Ne7 9. b4 {The Bayonet Attack: at first glance, this set-up looks harmless...actually it is perfect fit against the dangerous King's Indian Defense.} Nh5 {Only aim of this variation is to strike immediately with f7 to f5 push. Bayonet Attack has its way of stopping black's kingside attack. Lets find out.} 10. Re1 {Preparing for Bf1 or Ng5 next move.} f5 {It's beautiful in the eye, harmful as it looks, but actually not...if white knows the right response...} 11. Ng5 {Yes...the knight at h5 is under attack by bishop at e2 while the knight at g5 plans to jump to e6 to exchange the important bishop at c8 for white to control light square diagonal from h1 to a8.} Nf4 12. Bxf4 {Of course...} exf4 13. Rc1 { Defending the knight at c3 due to the dragon bishop at g7 is out of the cage controlling the h8 to a1 diagonal.} h6 {Now, the knight heads to e6 square as planned.} 14. Ne6 Bxe6 15. dxe6 Bxc3 {Exchanging the dark bishop seems reasonable to take on e4 pawn.. but there are hidden white plans, GM Radjabov have not realized yet.} 16. Rxc3 fxe4 {It looks terrible position for white.. BUT NOT!!!} 17. Bf1 e3 18. fxe3 fxe3 19. Rcxe3 {See what I mean, that e6 pawn is super annoying...the Ng5 jump completed its mission.} a5 20. b5 {Yes, not allowing the rook to be active...} c6 21. bxc6 bxc6 {Lets have time evaluate this position... GIVE 5 Minutes... If you are white, what are you plans? Learn to analyze positions...} 22. Rd3 {Preety straightforward attack at d6 pawn... BUT WHAT IS REALLY WHITE'S PURPOSE? THINK!!} Qb6+ {True, getting away from rook threat, at the same time checking the king...} 23. Kh1 d5 {Well, what do you think, is this move makes black position steady, eddy?} 24. cxd5 cxd5 25. Rxd5 {At move 22, I asked you a question.. this is the answer....} Nxd5 26. Qxd5 {Lovely threat, since the dragon bishop at g7 was exchanged at the knight at c3, the king at g8 no longer safe...} Rad8 27. Qe4 {The g6 pawn is free also e6 to e7 pawn push can't be prevented. Wonderful position by white...now back to white move 22. Rd3 has served its purpose!!!} Rf6 {Only move...} 28. e7 Re8 29. Qd5+ Kg7 30. Qe5 {Another puzzling move!!! WHY?} Qf2 31. Bb5 {Yes.... the f1 is covered by bishop at b5 while attacking the rook at e8..but white will not take the rook at e8, making sure there is no backrank mate.} Kh7 32. Qa1 {Black Resigned: The 32. Qa1 move doubles f1 protection against mate. Now, the rook at e8 is attacked, supported by e7 pawn promoting soon. Very nice game by the Peruvian Chess Grandmaster Jorge Cori.} 1-0